Wednesday, July 07, 2004

EU Seat on UNSC?

From Expatica:
Debate over Germany's bid to gain a permanent seat in the United Nations security council took a new twist Tuesday when two top opposition politicians spoke out against a German seat and argued instead for one European voice at the UN.

One of the politicians, the deputy parliamentary floor leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Wolfgang Schaeuble, thereby put himself at odds with CDU leader Angela Merkel, who favours a permanent Security Council seat for Germany for the short-term.

Besides Schaeuble, the head of the small liberal Free Democrats (FDP), Guido Westerwelle, also voiced reservations about the Security Council seat bid being pursued by Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.

Schaeuble told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa that he regarded it as "backwards" and as "old thinking" the German bid for a seat.

"The future must lie in a European seat in the Security Council and not a national seat," Schaeuble told dpa.

Matt's Chat

It's the United NATIONS, not the United Continents or United Regions...yet another reason why Europe doesn't get it...

France doesn't deserve their seat as a permenant member of the Security Council...what has Germany done?

Mark's Remarks

What this is, is an effort to silence certain European allies on the Security Council (like England, for instance, and several other rotating members who are WITH US). You see, the EU folks figure if there is one European voice, the Appeasement Artists like Germany and France can make sure a wishywashy appeaser speaks up for Europe, thereby allying itself with the Chinese and other enemies and critics of democracy on the Council. This is ridiculous. It is indeed the United Nations, not the regional hate America club of the Earth. It is about time they started living up to their name and mission.

John Kerry Delinda Est!