Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Kerry/Edwards on Ending Lawsuit Abuse

By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:

Rather than engage in responsible rhetoric about ending frivilous lawsuits, the Kerry/Edwards campaign ripped Vice President Cheney for doing so. Campaign spokesman Phil Singer:
"The Bush-Cheney penchant for attack-dog politics is out of control. Dick Cheney isn't just going after Democrats, now he's going after Republicans and violating the eleventh commandment. It's time for a new administration that focuses on making America stronger at home and respected in the world, not one that takes gratuitous potshots."
What potshots is Singer talking about? The release seems to take issue with this segment of a Cheney speech:
"For the good of this economy, we also need to end lawsuit abuse. Junk and frivolous lawsuits can ruin an honest business. They put people out of work. They clog the courts, delaying justice for people with real legal grievances. It's a lot easier for America's businesses to hire new workers if they don't have to keep hiring lawyers." (Cheney Remarks, Myrtle Beach, SC, 7/26/04)
Apparently, Kerry/Edwards has a problem with this too:
"As Jim (DeMint) knows, to bring health care costs under control for families and small business owners, we need medical liability reform. Here in South Carolina and across the nation, doctors should be able to spend their time healing patients, not fighting off frivolous lawsuits." (Cheney Remarks, Myrtle Beach, SC, 7/26/04)
Now, I can understand being upset about this:
"They oppose effective reform of our legal system, and they're against medical liability reform. And we can't expect that to change, now that they've put a personal injury trial lawyer on the ticket." (Cheney Remarks, Myrtle Beach, SC, 7/26/04)
Ouch! Truth hurts.

Apparently, we're all supposed to bow down to Sen. Lindsey Graham because he opposed legislation that would put a cap on awards for medical malpractice lawsuits. Those lawsuits affect the cost of health care in a negative manner. They drive up malpractice insurance costs which are then passed on to the consumer (that's you and me).

Additionally, we're supposed to feel pity for Mel Martinez. Martinez was a member of a professional organization for lawyers that required at least one court award or settlement of $1 million or more called the Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Cry me a river already.

John Kerry Delenda Est!