Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Kerry/Edwards on Republican Platform

By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:


Our friends in the Party of Love have gone off the deep end. Here they check in on the Republican platform. Why? Well, Republicans trashed the Democrats program earlier and this is a "response" to that. Notice that the Kerry/Edwards campaign has to "respond" a lot...
1. Put Right-Wing Ideology First: We recognize that we need to cater to our right wing base rather than pesky moderates like Nancy Reagan and Orrin Hatch. Therefore will put ideology over science and deny all credible scientific evidence that stem cell research will save lives and that global warming exists.
Why shouldn't Republicans be conservative? The Democrats have gone so far radical left that the rank and file Republicans have shifted a bit to the right. This isn't pandering to the far right, this is indicative of the condition of the political landscape.
2. Deny A Women's Right to Choose: We will continue, at all costs, to ensure that women are denied their Constitutional right to choose. We will appoint judges who will work to rollback that right and we will fight for legislation that infringes on this right.
Find abortion for me in the Constitution please. You know, lefties, the beauty of judicial rulings is that they can be overturned.
3. Reward Our Wealthy Contributors: We will continue to pass tax cuts that benefit the wealthiest Americans who fund our campaigns and get us elected.
If you paid taxes, you got a refund. Everyone benefitted from those tax cuts and they will continue to benefit from the tax cuts only if Bush/Cheney gets re-elected. Kerry/Edwards will raise your taxes.
4. New Business for Our Friends With New No Bid Contracts: We will provide no-bid contracts to our closest friends to ensure they will receive the largest contracts possible. Also, we will relaunch our secret energy taskforce so we can add more loopholes for big oil.
HALLIBURTON! More black helicopter theories from the Party of Love...this strategy didn't work for Howard Dean either...you'd think they would have learned this lesson by now.
5. Add $10 Trillion In Deficits: In the past four years, this Administration has successfully taken the country from a $5.6 trillion surplus to a $5 trillion deficit - a $10 trillion loss of revenue. We want to take the next step by adding an additional $10 trillion to the deficits, leaving the burden on the next generation.
At least this criticism is legit... But if you like deficits, you'll love Kerry/Edwards. There won't be enough taxes to pay for all the programs they have promised the American people.
6. Harm Our Environment: We will rollback generations of environmental regulations that protect our air, land and water. We will poison our water with arsenic and mercury; we will allow drilling in our most pristine natural wilderness; and we will make sure taxpayers pay to clean up our toxic waste sites.
Check out the President's accomplishments and plans. (Environment, Everglades, and Healthy Forests) Fearmongering from the Party of Love? You betcha!
7. Cut Aid to Children and Decimate Programs For Seniors: We will cut domestic programs that provide health care, early education and nutrition programs and after-school services to thousands of American children. We will continue to fail to live up to our commitment to fund our education mandate by $27 billion. We will also pass our $2 trillion plan to privatize Social Security.
Huh? What about this, this and this? Not to mention this. Unfunded mandate? I think not. NCLB was and is fully funded.
8. Break Our Commitment to Veterans: We will once again promise veterans will be provided for under a Republican administration. We will then fail to provide the funding veterans need for health care, cut 500,000 veterans from the system entirely and close veterans' hospitals across the country.
Not so fast John/John. Check this out.
9. Rush to War In Iraq: We are proud that we stubbornly rushed to war in Iraq without our allies, sent our troops into combat without proper equipment, over-stretched our military, and failed to plan for the peace.
Back to this old misleading meme. Debunked.
10. Let Al Qaeda Off the Hook: We will continue to divert our attention and resources from Afghanistan, break our promises to rebuild that nation. We let Bin Laden escape from Tora Bora to continue planning attacks against the U.S. from his hideout reportedly in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region.
How do you figure? Al Qaeda hasn't struck in the United States have they? It would appear that we are headed in the right direction in Afghanistan as this poll would indicate
The feelings of Afghans toward the United States, which led the 2001 invasion to depose the extreme Islamic Taliban regime after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, were positive in most areas of the country. Nationally, 65 percent expressed favorable views, while the poll found a plurality reported unfavorable opinions in the south and northwest.
Only John Kerry and the Michael Moore wing of the Party of Love would try to say that the administration "let" bin Laden get away. Let me guess...October surprise. More black helicopter conspiracy theories.....
11. Leave America Vulnerable: We will under-invest in port, chemical and nuclear security, claiming the war in Iraq protects us here at home, and hope no one notices Ridge's and Ashcroft's warnings of an imminent attack on the homeland in the coming months.
No one said America was safe. We are safer because of the actions taken by this administration, but we will not be safe until the world is rid of the Islamist menace. And even then evil will find a new home. This is an attempted hit at national security, homeland security, and defense policies. Policies that have strengthened America. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done on these fronts, how about a little less obstructionism from the Party of Love and their Disciples of Doom, eh?

Our Plan to Improve Economy:

Our Plan to Address Middle Class Squeeze:

Our Plan to Address Rising Health Care Costs:

Our Plan to Make College More Affordable:


White House on Issues
Bush/Cheney '04

John Kerry Delenda Est!