Friday, July 02, 2004


From the Cybercast News Service:
Former President Bill Clinton declared on Thursday that his newfound wealth has made him "the most important person in the world" to Republicans.

"They were really mean to me -- those Republicans -- when I was president. As soon as I made money, I became the most important person in the world to them. The way they take care of me is touching," Clinton said during a sit-down conversation with Jesse Jackson at the 33rd Annual Rainbow/PUSH Coalition conference in Chicago.

Clinton accused the GOP and Bush of caring only about the wealthiest Americans to the exclusion of everyone else.

"They decided to go back to Reaganomics -- trickle down economics-- with a vengeance [after 9-11]. [They believe] there is no such thing as a bad tax cut," Clinton said.

"So what did they do? They passed that Leave No Child Behind bill, you remember that? This year they left 2.1 million children behind. They did," Clinton told a supportive crowd of 1,000 people in a hotel ballroom.

"They are paying for my tax cut by kicking 300,000 poor kids out of their after-school program," he added.

Matt's Chat

HILLARY is promising tax increases and Billary is knocking supply-side economics. Bill was never a moderate. He lied to us. He's as hard left liberal as his wife. He hoodwinked this country into believing he was right for this country and for eight years, the country bought it. Now we know better.

We are supposed to take this man at his word? This man who lied under oath? About something so trivial (to liberals) as sex? Get real.

Mark's Remarks

Yes, Mr. Clinton, and your phallus was the most important thing in the world when you were President, especially since you spent more time servicing it than you did in getting any type of intelligence network or operation against terrorism, though you claim now to have said that it was going to be a huge problem. That is easy in the light of 9/11, sir, but what in the blue hell did you do about it to prevent it, aside from having Jamie Gorelick and Co. put up a wall between intel services, botching operation after operation to get bin Laden, and not taking 4 or more offers from the Sudan of bin Laden's head on a plate?

And Mr. Clinton, let's talk about priorities. You gave nuke tech to China and North Korea, knowing that your own state departments and advisors warned against it, but you just had to have that campaign cash, didn't you? Yep, your own self is more important than your duty to America, wasn't it?

And let's not forget the blind eye you turned to growing evidence of the impending doom of the stock market bubble, how you told FEC investigators to hush up or to pipe down so you could just sustain it long enough til you were almost out of office? Remember the laws abandoning some key foresight measures that made it easier for Enron scandals to happen. Many claim it was Reagan's deregulation, but let's not forget your hands in signing laws into effect that in turn allowed Enron's and your buddy Terry McAuliffes Global Crossing to happen. Now isn't it amazing that Terry left just before the bubble burst, isn't that providential? Hmmm....

And since you are speaking at an African American (traditionally) event, why don't you tell them how many African Americans were on your campaign or occupied high positions in your Cabinet?

John Kerry Delinda Est!