Tuesday, July 06, 2004

NEA and the Hamster King

From WorldNetDaily:
Michael Moore's strongly anti-Bush film "Fahrenheit 9/11" will be shown at the National Education Association convention today in Washington, D.C., angering Republican members.

On Sunday, union officials distributed 10,000 fliers to individual state caucuses informing them the film would be screened in the main convention hall immediately after a speech by presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry, the Washington Times reported.

Republican members, who comprise more than one-fourth of the union, reacted angrily to the announcement and the sharp anti-Bush tone of the convention.

Matt's Chat

In addition to Hezbollah and China, the NEA is now joing the ranks of Mikey's allies. Interesting company...

Mark's Remarks

The NEA is one of the biggest reasons why teachers get no respect in this nation anymore. The union is such a self-important group of America-haters that many leave the profession because they feel pressured to act and teach a certain ideology, or they do not want their money going to support such ideologies.

The NEA has no business showing this film, as it is neither educational nor is it informative. Even liberal Chris Hutchins castigates this film as beyond self-serving propaganda. However, self-serving is what the NEA is and has been about.

Another black eye on the teaching profession, that is why I am ashamed when asked what I do many times, until I think of the kids. Maybe the NEA needs to do the same, for once.

John Kerry Delinda Est!