Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Security Moms

From USA Today by Michelle Malkin:
I am what this year's election pollsters call a "security mom." I'm married with two young children. I own a gun. And I vote.
Nothing matters more to me right now than the safety of my home and the survival of my homeland. I believe in the right to defend myself, and in America's right to defend itself against its enemies. I am a citizen of the United States, not the United Nations.

I want a president who is of one mind, not two, about what must be done to protect our freedom and our borders. I don't care about the hair on his head or the wrinkles in his forehead. I am not awed by his ability to ride a snowboard or fly a plane. Nor does it matter much to me whether his wife speaks four languages or bakes good cookies.

What I want is a commander in chief who will stop pandering to political correctness and People magazine editors, and start pandering to me.

The Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks shook me out of my Generation X stupor. Unlike Hollywood and The New York Times and the ivory tower, I have not settled back casually into a Sept. 10 way of life. I have studied the faces on the FBI's most-wanted-terrorists list. When I ride the train, I watch for suspicious packages in empty seats. When I am on the highways, I pay attention to large trucks and tankers. I make my husband take his cell phone with him everywhere — even on a quick milk run or on a walk to the community pool.

Matt's Chat

It's today's recommended read. Read the whole thing.

So...are both campaigns ignoring the "security moms"? I'm not so sure. One campaign seems a bit more focused on the issue than the other. The war that matters to the security moms is the one going on right now, not one that happened thirty years ago.

I'm not a big fan of those folks who continue to berate John Kerry over VIETNAM! because of the exact same reason. It doesn't matter what Kerry did thirty years ago as a Lieutenenat in the Navy. It does matter what he's when he's wielded political power. I'm also not a big fan of those who continue to berate President Bush over his honorable service in the Texas Air National Guard. It doesn't matter what Bush did thirty years ago as an guardsman. It does matter what he's done when he's wielded political power. Notice who these groups are and whether or not they are sanctioned by political parties. That matters too.

Mark's Remarks

John Kerry Delenda Est!