Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Why I Don't Care About the DNC

An editorial by Matt Hurley

Loyal readers of WMD, you may be wondering why there hasn't been much coverage of the Democratic National Convention on our website.  The reason is quite simple actually: I don't care.

Let's recap what we've seen thus far: Michael Moore, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, HILLARY! and Bill Clinton, Howard Dean and Ron Reagan Jr.  Those are the stories that have come out of this convention.

Despite calls from the campaign to accentuate the positive and downplay the negative, Michael Moore has been greeted as some sort of larger than life super hero.  The man was invited to sit the the box of former President Jimmy Carter for crying out loud.  What kind of positive message does that send?  His film has been exposed as being dishonest and loose with the facts which is par for the course with Mr. Moore.  That the DNC and the Kerry/Edwards campaign takes this guy seriously at all shows much about the kind of administration we would have should the unthinkable actually happens and Kerry wins this election.
That Jimmy Carter should lecture ANYBODY, let alone George W. Bush, about foreign policy is a joke that just isn't funny.  Perhaps he thinks the American people have forgotten about the blunders of Desert One and the Iran hostage situation.  I pity to think that Carter would have to be reminded about his Misery Index on the domestic front.  Carter is at his best when he's building houses for Habitat For Humanity.  It is where is heart is and that is where his legacy lies.  Bringing him out to spew venom at this convention is crazy.
Al Gore STILL has not gotten over the fact that he lost the 2000 election fair and square.  This fact continues to make me grateful that he did in fact lose.  His leadership, if you can call it that, has done more to divide this nation than any film Michael Moore could ever hope to produce.  What a childish and self-serving tool this guy is...

We all know that what the party really wants is HILLARY!   Her speech introducing her husband wasn't really about that at all; but rather, was more about whipping up the base for her in 2008.  If the DNC really thought they had a chance here, neither Clintons would be IN the state of Massachusetts, let alone at the convention as speakers.
Bill Clinton is STILL trying desperately to rewrite his legacy.  His speech was filled with so many inaccuracies wherein he took credit for events and situations that had nothing to do with him.  The man gives credit to no one.  It is all about Bill Clinton.  And the Democrats love it.  There is just one problem for the Democrats: he can't run again.  Now what?
Howard Dean continues to disappoint.  He is supposed to offer up the red meat to the base, but didn't.  Did he cave to the pressure from the DNC and the campaign to tone it down?  Who knows.  And more importantly, who cares?  There continue to be complaints that John Kerry has been misidentified as an uber-liberal (and John Edwards too, for that matter) and I suppose when you compare Kerry to Dean, there might be an argument there.  The problem is that Dean isn't running and Kerry's record accurately demonstrates him to be a radical liberal.  All Dean does is remind the Democrats of what might have been...
That the Democratic Party would politicize Ronald Reagan's death, especially after warning the Republicans against such a travesty, is despicable.  Furthermore, Ron Jr. is ill-informed on the subject of stem cell research and its potential in fighting Alzheimer's Disease.  The truth is that Ron Jr. doesn't really care about any of that.  He hated his father's politics and now has found, at least in his own mind, a way to embarrass those who supported his father's ideas.  Like Moore, Ron Reagan Jr. is nothing more than a tool that will be put back on the shelf until the next time they need him as soon as possible.
And what is yet to come?  We'll hear from John Edwards and John Kerry and they will try to hock the same wares they've been trading for a couple of weeks now.  The Johns will try to convince us that they aren't super-liberals; that, in fact, they are moderate centrists out to help the little guy.  The campaign appears to be run by amateurs and bunglers but we'll hear about how much better the country will be if only we will vote these guys in to office.  They can't run a campaign and a convention, why should we think they will do any better for this great nation?
This convention has been a joke from the very beginning.  It has been a quagmire from start to finish.  Talk about not having a plan, this convention has been a fiasco that has cost the city of Boston dearly.  And it will probably cost the Democrats a whole lot more.

John Kerry Delenda Est!