Tuesday, August 10, 2004


Mark and I call this one "The Governor" even though it probably isn't Arnold. Visitor number 8000 appears to be our regular from ca.gov. Actually, we'd love it if "The Governor" would email us whomever he or she may be...

This has been the quickest thousand we've had here at WMD. Thanks to all the regular readers (Sean, Mahatma, Peter, the WMDtv gang, etc.), the Carnival of the Bush Blogs folks at Blogs for Bush, Hugh Hewitt, the authors of Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man, our sponsor (ShowMeTickets) and partners (BlogAds and Amazon), and of course the folks at Blogger.

And I'd also like to thank my collegue Mark Garbett and Chris Muir for Day by Day which always starts my day off with a smile.

Thanks everybody!

11:55AM Update

Forgot to mention that our first year blogiversary is coming up...August 27th!

3:40PM Update

I've made a couple of changes to the template. Namely, the byline at the end of each post has been shrunk, reordered, and a couple of new items were added to it: a link to the blog's main page (I noticed a lot of folks were entering the site through the PermaLinks from other sites), and the "BlogRoll WMD" link for other bloggers to more easily link to us. The Trackback feature (from the good guys at HaloScan - thanks guys!) was added awhile back (check there for links to other bloggers who have written about the same topic or have quoted WMD). I'm debating a "redo" of all the graphics and layout for the blogiversary...user input is always appreciated...

John Kerry Delenda Est!