Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Another Dem Scare Tactic

PowerLine points us to this Fox News article that exposes the South Carolina Democratic Party's latest desperate tactic to get John Kerry elected:
A state Democratic Party effort to sign up new voters mixes images of a military draft notice with a voter registration form, calling on people to make a choice between the two.

The first page of the mailing shows a draft notice with orders to report to a military induction center. The next shows a helicopter with troops in the foreground beneath a headline that says "Officials in Washington are calling for more troops in Iraq." Below, the mailing asks "Which form would you rather fill out?"
Disgraceful distortion. I demand an investigation. And I question the timing of all of this.

Question: who has been proposing a draft? Hint: They aren't Republicans.

Mark's Remarks

Ad hominem attacks against people exercising their rights, calls for book banning, and now subterfuge to inflate the ranks? Who would do such a thing? Well, the Nazis did it in the 1920s-1940s, and another party is doing it today. Here is a hint: the mascot DOES NOT have a trunk....

FDR, Truman would be spinning in their graves, to think the very things they fought to overcome in WWII would now be the part and parcel of their own party!

John Kerry Delenda Est!