Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Kerry/Edwards' Front Groups

Press Release from the TIB Network:
For months now, the Kerry/Edwards campaign has had numerous moments of truth that came and went, and they still could not bring themselves to do the right thing and denounce the Democrat-backed smear campaigns against President Bush. The longer they wait, the clearer it is what is going on - the Kerry/Edwards campaign is using the closely tied 527 groups like "MoveOn.org" to promote lies about America's veterans of the National Guard.

Despite Kerry/Edwards' failure to condemn the smear campaigns, across the country the American public sees this for what it is: an attempt to smear a veteran reservist and distract from the real issues facing the nation. Veterans across the country are coming out of the woodwork to fight back against the attempted smear of one of their own. Bloggers and commentators across the country have written calling for Kerry/Edwards to put an end to these Democratic smears on George Bush's service and attacks that challenge the service of every American servicemember.
Nothing quite like a simple re-write to bring the truth out...I could have done the whole thing, but why bother. As if Chad and Phil could write anything worthy anyway...

John Kerry Delenda Est!