Friday, August 13, 2004

Kerry/Edwards Slams Bush for Supporting Free Speech

By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:


Kerry/Edwards clowns Chad and Phil were back at it again last night. This time they are trashing the President's appearance on Larry King's show wherein the President called John Kerry's service 'noble' but wouldn't condemn the free speech rights of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
"Tonight President Bush called Kerry's service in Vietnam 'noble.' But in the same breath refused to heed Senator McCain's call to condemn the dirty work being done by the 'Swift Boat Vets for Bush.' Once again, the President side-stepped responsibility and refused to do the right thing. His credibility is running out as fast as his time in the White House."

-- Chad Clanton, Kery/Edwards
Well, Chad, it is the right of every American to speak. Your issue is with the Swifties, not President Bush and the sooner you clowns figure that out, the better off you'll be. All this does is make the Swifties appear even more credible because it looks like you're trying to change the subject instead of dealing with the allegations. If John Kerry would release his records, this issue would go away. Only hubris stands in the way...

Transcript as quoted by Kerry/Edwards


LARRY KING: "In view of that, do you think that it's fair for the record, John Kerry's service record, to be an issue at all?"

GEORGE W. BUSH: "No, I think it is an issue because he... he views it as honorable service and so do I."


GEORGE W. BUSH: "But the senator (Kerry) ought to be proud of his record."

LARRY KING: "Senator McCain has been very strong condemning it, now he's very strong endorsing you."

GEORGE W. BUSH: "He has, but Senator Kerry is justifiably proud of his record in Vietnam and should be. It's noble service."
The President answered those questions admirably. Kerry/Edwards should be grateful...he had a chance to go negative and took the high road. Did the Democrats do the same when Michael Moore called the President a deserter? No, DNC Chairman Terry McAwful claimed that the President was AWOL. I fully expect the President will bring that up at some point if this nonsense continues...

John Kerry Delenda Est!