Tuesday, August 17, 2004

KerrySpot Nails It

By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:

From NRO's KerrySpot (which is desperately in need of PermaLinks):

The AP reports Sen. Tom Harkin is calling Vice President Cheney a ‘coward.’

Harkin, D-Iowa and a former Navy fighter pilot, said Monday, “It just outrages me that someone who got five deferments during Vietnam and said he had ‘other priorities’ at that time would say that.”

He said President Bush and Cheney are “running scared because John Kerry has a war record and they don't.” He said of Cheney, “What he is doing and what he is saying is cowardly. The actions are cowardly.”

“When I hear this coming from Dick Cheney, who was a coward, who would not serve during the Vietnam War, it makes my blood boil,” said Harkin. “He’ll be tough, but he’ll be tough with someone else’s kid’s blood.”

Senator, if having a war record is the most important criteria for a presidential candidate, why did you endorse Howard Dean, who spent his Vietnam years skiing in Aspen after receiving a medical deferment?

Second, notice that absolutely nothing in this statement addresses Cheney’s criticism that Kerry’s effort to fight a “more sensitive” war on terror would mean a less effective defense of American lives.
This is the kind of "debate" we've witnessed from Kerry/Edwards and their surrogates for quite some time now: misdirection and emotionalism. A total lack of substantive arguments or proof of their allegations.

Basically, it is like high school all over again...

Mark Chimes In...

Yes, Mr. Harkin, you know, what would we call you and Mr. Kerry when you were cozying up to a Communist Commandante during the Cold War, begging Daniel Ortega and promising him favors if he would do what you want? What the heck would we call that? At the least it is similar to aiding and abetting an enemy of the US, at the most it is treasonous and pro-Communist....The letters addressed "Dear Commandante" are on the record, by the way, go look em up....

John Kerry Delenda Est!