Tuesday, August 31, 2004


Jonah Goldberg in TownHall:
What do fat people, MoveOn.org and the Swift Boat Vets for Truth have in common? They are also the products of "iatrogenic government."

In medicine an iatrogenic condition or ailment is one that is caused by the physician, either deliberately or by accident. Give too much medicine, or the wrong kind, and the negative consequences are iatrogenic.

The late Sen. Pat Moynihan coined the phrase "iatrogenic government" to describe problems that were created by the intent to cure. What he had in mind was the tendency of the drug war to create more problems than it solves. But the same thing goes on all the time.
Michael Moore in USA Today:
I asked one man who told me he was a "proud Republican," "Do you think we need strong laws to protect our air and water?"

"Well, sure," he said. "Who doesn't?"

I asked whether women should have equal rights, including the same pay as men.

"Absolutely," he replied.

"Would you discriminate against someone because he or she is gay?"

"Um, no." The pause — I get that a lot when I ask this question — is usually because the average good-hearted person instantly thinks about a gay family member or friend.

I've often found that if I go down the list of "liberal" issues with people who say they're Republican, they are quite liberal and not in sync with the Republicans who run the country. Most don't want America to be the world's police officer and prefer peace to war. They applaud civil rights, believe all Americans should have health insurance and think assault weapons should be banned. Though they may personally oppose abortion, they usually don't think the government has the right to tell a women what to do with her body.

There's a name for these Republicans: RINOs or Republican In Name Only. They possess a liberal, open mind and don't believe in creating a worse life for anyone else.

So why do they use the same label as those who back a status quo of women earning 75 cents to every dollar a man earns, 45 million people without health coverage and a president who has two more countries left on his axis-of-evil-regime-change list?

I asked my friend on the street. He said what I hear from all RINOs: "I don't want the government taking my hard-earned money and taxing me to death. That's what the Democrats do."

Mark's Remarks

That Michael Moore is so profound. Who would honestly say they want the air and water dirty? Who would honestly say that they don't want equal protection for people? Wow...how profound...how amazing!

This moron...the key difference is in how to go about it. Liberals want to save the trees at the detriment of humanity--ie letting forests grow uncontrollably, producing the conditions necessary for the devastating wildfires; creating quota systems where people are disempowered into thinking that they didn't earn the job but got it because of race; and other differences. You see, Mike, we don't dislike trees; but we do think that we should cut a few down to keep a whole area from going up in smoke. We want people to have equal access, not special access. That is the difference between Rs and Ds. If you asked questions beyond the preschool level, you would get those answers, you idiocratic moronic oaf!

John Kerry Delenda Est!