So I was reading NRO's The Corner a few minutes ago and ran across this email posted by Jonah Goldberg:
All the news coverage seems to be missing the point re: New Jersey. It was a great speech. Likely calculated, he was a long shot to retain office. The outing was the nail in the coffin. His political capital is now sky rocketing. Well done, Jim. Worry about wife and kids later. Here is the point the Wonkette's of world miss, but us locals(I'm a NY resident) ponder. Homeland Security Aide? Couple people round the tri state area died a few years back. This job was created with the idea that we'd make an effort to avoid a repeat going forward. He created and filled the role with his boy toy. Wonderful speech, citizens be damned. Kudos for Jim coming to terms with his sexuality, but he oughta be out of office this morning. If Condi was Bush's incompetent, unqualified plaything, she and the president would be run out of town, if not up on charges. Don't let this be about sex, that's the spin, not the story.Which got me thinking about the state of politics and its relationship with the media. Isn't it odd that the cover has grabbed more attention than the real story? Here is a Democrat who has resigned in disgrace because he was planning to put his unqualified lover in a prominent Homeland Security position.
We're back to asking the question if the Democrats are really serious about national security. Shouldn't Terry McAuliffe be condemning what this guy has done? John Kerry? Imagine, I know this is going to be tough, if this guy were a Republican. The real story, not the spin, would dominate the news cycle. Chad and Phil of the Kerry/Edwards campaign would issue statements that the credibility of the White House were in question about national security. (Of course, they would have to stop working on their balloon animal-making skills to get the release out.) John Kerry would be off on a "Train Tour to New Jersey for Homeland Security" lickity split, waving at the "little people" he couldn't manage to stop for because he was running late.
I heard the Governor's speech before I actually saw it on tape. The speech sounded great; nice delivery, on message, etc. But when I SAW the speech, I instantly realized that this was a political stunt and like a bad car crash, I couldn't avert my eyes. He didn't resign because he was gay; he resigned because he got caught. He wasn't "forced out"; he came out. And why is it important for him to display for the world his personal issues? What about The Childrentm? Don't they deserve to not to have to hear this stuff?
Clearly, this is a personal tragedy for the man's family. Cheating on the wife seems to be not that big of a deal for some people (or their party?). It should be. And to bring the wife and father (who apparently was a USMC drill sargeant) out is just uncouth. Standing by your man is one thing, but these sort of displays are becoming way to familiar. The vulgar has become customary.
And the reaction of the press was absurd. Giving this creep a rousing ovation is just out of line with journalistic ethics. And it displays their loyalty and bias, for you see, the mainstream media stands with guys like this. They think he's a totally righteous dude.
Just remember who he wanted to have installed as the state's Homeland Security chief.
Have we forgotten 9/11? Apparently they have in New Jersey and in the media.