Tuesday, August 17, 2004

War on Militant Islam Update

By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:

From al-Reuters:
Britain charged eight terrorism suspects Tuesday with conspiracy to commit murder and said one had plans that could be used in striking U.S. buildings that were the focus of security scares this month.
One of them, Dhiren Barot, 32, was also accused of having "reconnaissance plans" of the Prudential building in New Jersey, the New York Stock Exchange and Citigroup headquarters in New York, and the International Monetary Fund in Washington.
Barot also had two notebooks containing "information on explosives, poisons, chemicals and related matters," while another suspect had "an extract of the terrorism handbook."

The other seven are Omar Abdur Rehman, 20, Zia Ul Haq, 25, Abdul Aziz Jalil, 31, Nadeem Tarmohamed, 26, Mohammed Naveed Bhatti, 24, Quaisir Shaffi, 25 and Junade Feroze, 28.
And here is the nail in Howard Dean's coffin:
The United States imposed "orange alerts" around those buildings on Aug. 1, saying authorities had obtained plans of the buildings from a suspected al Qaeda computer expert held in Pakistan. The British suspects were arrested two days later.
Politically motivated, eh Howie? You make me sick...

This is a BIG bust and huge victory in the War Formerly Known as the War on Terror.

Mark's Remarks

Howard is typical of liberals, stick your heads in the sand and show your *$$ and then gripe and moan when someone hits the big ol target you presented them with....

Way to go, Allies in the War against the ideology (not religion) of Militant Islam!

John Kerry Delenda Est!