Tuesday, August 17, 2004

War on Militant Islam

Daniel Pipes has a great piece about renaming and defining the War on Terror:
A false doctrine of Islamic purity inspires a totalitarian ideology of power and domination. In its ruthlessness, murderousness, and global ambition, it resembles the Nazi and communist ideologies. The extremists who advocate this doctrine see America as the chief obstacle to achieving their goals. To defeat America, they initially seek Washington's retreat from the outside world. Ultimately, they hope to bring about a collapse of America as it now exists. Toward this end, they are prepared to murder any number of Americans.

This is a fine description of Islamism, its mentality, methods, and means. It also shows that Mr. Bush draws the subtle distinction between the personal faith of Islam and the political ideology of Islamism (or militant Islam).

Matt's Chat

And now the battle of ideology can begin...

Mark's Remarks

This is a very good article. It captures the essence of President Bush's distinctions between the religion of Islam and the ideology of Islam. It should be required reading for American Muslims who as a whole are too chicken$*&T to take a stand against the people perverting their faith, or maybe they are subtly in favor of the ideology? If not, they need to speak out in a loud and clear voice!

John Kerry Delenda Est!