By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:
Source: Fox News:
Jordanian terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, believed responsible for a series of attacks, kidnappings and beheadings in Iraq, has been trying to communicate with Al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden, a senior defense official tells FOX News.I haven't heard any more on this story that I first saw on The Corner yesterday.
Within the past several days, the anonymous defense official said, a courier had been intercepted inside Iraq bearing a message from Zarqawi to bin Laden. The official would not reveal the contents of the message or exactly when and where its bearer had been found.
I really dislike senior officials who refuse to be identified, but it is a neccessary part of the game I suppose. I'm nto real sure how much faith to have in this report without the additional details.
I tend to believe it (55% Believability Rating) though. Zarqawi has tried to send messages to bin Laden before and the message that time was a plea for help. I can certainly imagine that this message would be aother cry for help and/or guidance as things are not going according to his plan.