From an officer:Presented without commentary.Jonah,
I'm sorry but it's about time someone with some credibility challenged yet another whopping lie from McAulliffe. He stated tonight on Hannity and Colmes that he received an email from a mom that claimed that she had to send their son a kevlar helmet while he was in Iraq.
This is an out and out lie. I just returned from Iraq in March and I can tell you without a doubt; No soldier would be allowed to leave a deployment station without a kevlar helmet. If he lost it in country it would be replaced immediately, because his chain of command would not let him leave the wire without one.
This feeds into the democratic myth of bake sales for body armor. I'm getting sick of this crap not being challenged. As leaders in the US Army we would never let our troops operate without the proper protective gear.
This is not a smear on the administration, but rather on leadership in the military and it can't go unchallenged.
Nobody will listen to a minion like me, but maybe you guys could provide a decent answer to this repeated crap. Thanks for your time.
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Another McAwful Lie Exposed
From Jonah Goldberg readers from NRO's The Corner: