By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:
House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-Wis.) and Immigration, Border Security, and Claims Subcommittee Chairman John Hostettler (R-Ind.) are requesting Attorney General John Ashcroft review a decision where a former Chechen official whom the Russians claim was involved in terrorist activities was granted asylum in the United States. The request, made in a letter to the Attorney General, concerns the Boston Immigration Court's granting of asylum to Ilyas Akhmadov. The U.S. government did not appeal this decision to the Board of Immigration Appeals.
The letter states, "Published reports have quoted the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, as stating that 'Akhmodov's involvement in terrorist activities was 'well known' to' the United States. While the extent of the evidence in the record is unclear, Mr. Akhmadov apparently stated at Harvard University that Chechen terrorist acts were necessary 'to show the Russians that their citizens had to die too in order to get the Russian government to stop the war.' If the United States had evidence that Mr. Akhmadov was involved in terrorist activities, it is unclear why he was not barred from asylum as a terrorist and as a danger to the security of our nation."
"It is an understatement to say that the Russian people are reeling from violence inflicted by Chechen terrorists. It is impossible not to feel outrage at the cold blooded slaughter of at least 326 hostages by those terrorists at School No.1 in Beslan. If Mr. Akhmadov is linked to such terrorism, he should not be granted asylum. The United States must ensure that it is not a haven for those who would use indiscriminate violence against innocents to terrorize a democratically elected government. Our government must determine whether such individuals are terrorists, or are persecutors, or otherwise pose a threat to our people or our national interests," continued the letter.
Matt's Chat
I too demand an investigation. Homeland Security continues to be a joke. House-cleaning is in order...
Mark's Remarks
John Kerry Delenda Est!