By Mark for the TIB Network:
Lehrer served Kerry a softball, and typically gave Bush the "will Kerry's election cause another 9/11?" question. Wow, that is equal questioning, isn't it Jimmy? Of course, the President deflected the blatant attack with: I don't think that will happen, because I believe I will win the election. Excellent. His explanation of fighting terror was poignant and sincere, and he in fact made a great case. He also alluded to Kerry's indecision.
Kerry responded with calling the President stupid, saying we diverted from Afghanistan, citing the partisan 9/11 commission, perpetuating the myth of WMD being the sole reason for the Iraq War (see archives)...And now he is bloviating on what figures in the military support him...(yawn) Hey John, what about the Swift Boat Vets, how do those military men feel about your ability to lead? Whoops, there I go again....