By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network
Robert Bianco in USA Today:As President Bush's acceptance speech tonight closes the Republican convention and sends us full speed into the final electoral push, would it be too much to ask one tiny favor of TV's anchors, analysts and pundits?Couldn't have said it better myself.
In the name of all that's holy, shut up.
Bianco excoriates MSNBC's talking head Chris "Caveman" Matthews:
[W]hen it comes to luxuriating in the sound of your own voice, even [FOX News' Bill] O'Reilly must bow to MSNBC's Chris Matthews. In one of the convention's more bizarre exchanges, Matthews interrupted a Joe Scarborough screed about immigration Tuesday to ask, "Who are your favorite immigrants?" Luckily for a seemingly nonplused Scarborough, he didn't have to answer, as the question was merely an excuse for Matthews to tell us, "Mine are the West Africans." No doubt they were thrilled to hear it.Oh, that Matthews...he's something.
Mark's Remarks
Chris Matthews is a clown, a cheap huckster who is getting the crap beaten out of him by other shows; so he has to appeal to the hard left. He excoriated Michelle Malkin and attempted to do the same to Zell Miller. Michelle was too polite. Zell Miller gave the tubby Caveman troll his comeuppance.