Thursday, September 09, 2004

JK Delenda Est Update

By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:

From the WMD Mailbag:
We all know that Bush is a terrible president. But the ONLY way to get rid him is to elect John Kerry. Fortunately Kerry is a great guy, an experienced leader, a war hero, and an awesome guitar player.
Yeah, because, like, who needs a guy who will take the fight to the enemy when we could have some groovy tunes coming from the White House, man...
Now is the time for bloggers and other creative people to tell the world about Kerry. To get the ball rolling we created a funny video featuring Kerry's skills on the guitar:
A link to what I am sure is a pathetic website follows. And no, man, I'm not like plugging yer site...
We also included links so people can register to vote and contribute to the Democratic Party.
Because, like, man, it would so freakin' ROCK to have a totally groovy guitar player in the White House when the fit hits the proverbial shan. Man.
It only took an afternoon to make the Kerry Rocks video and we had a great time doing it. You don.t need permission from the campaign to do a fun project and let the world know that Kerry is the man. So use your blog and your mind . and may a thousand pro-Kerry projects bloom.
Put the bong down guys. Seriously. Dude.
Jonah and Cory
Oh, no...thank YOU for spamming my email box. Man.

I know I just wanna run out and vote for John Kerry now. Dude.

John Kerry Delenda Est!