John Kerry's campaign and the Democratic Party have frequently attacked the White House by taking the total number of net private sector jobs lost under Bush and presenting the figure as if it represents the total net job loss for his presidency. The actual figure for net job loss since January 2001 including both the private and public sectors is 913,000 jobs according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics released on Sept. 4, which revised the figure down from 1.1 million in August. However, Democrats have repeatedly cited private sector job losses instead, which declined from approximately 1.8 million to 1.6 million when the new data were released, without noting the important qualifier.
Matt's Chat
That's not exactly good news for conservatives like Mark and myself because that means that the government has grown significantly larger under President Bush's watch.It is worth noting that Kerry/Edwards aren't exactly telling the American people the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
No, I'm not surprised by any of this news...
1:30 PM Update
By request, I will list my suggestions for unbiased information.Spinsanity
Paperless Archives
The Smoking Gun
Tax Foundation
National Tax Payers Union
Fund Race
White House for Sale
A searchable 9/11 Report can be found here.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Federal Judicial Center
That's a few to get you started...