Thursday, September 30, 2004

Loaded Character Question to Bush

By Mark for the TIB Network:

Lehrer asks the question to get Bush to attack Kerry...Bush calls him on it.

Bush lists ways he admires Kerry, then says he doesn't admire his records.
In the course of the campaign, he has changed positions on Iraq, on core beliefs, you cannot lead if you send mixed messages. Sends wrong messages to troops, allies, Iraqis. My biggest concern is that he changes positons.

The President complimented the Kerry daughters (why, they insulted him). Of course, what in the world is going on here?

Kerry then butters up Bush before moving into the kill mode. Tries to get the crowd on his side. Nice little exchange, respect for Bush's marriage (yeah, it wasn't for money, like your TWO, Mr. Kerry).

Kerry brings out the stubborn card. Raises issues of certainty. Attempting to argue for nuance. Claims Bush is aloof, then wanders off topic AGAIN!!!! talking about Global Warming and Stem Cell research.

Bush: commanders have flexibility. I won't change core values for politics or pressure(unlike you, Johnny boy).

Kerry: never wilted in my life. (here Doug, of all people says-he hasn't wilted, he has just sways in the wind and flows with the tide. Holy cow, Doug pontificated!)

John Kerry Delenda Est!