Monday, October 25, 2004

Foreign Leaders Say...

...John Kerry is a liar.

From the Washington Times:
U.N. ambassadors from several nations are disputing assertions by Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry that he met for hours with all members of the U.N. Security Council just a week before voting in October 2002 to authorize the use of force in Iraq.

An investigation by The Washington Times reveals that while the candidate did talk for an unspecified period to at least a few members of the panel, no such meeting, as described by Mr. Kerry on a number of occasions over the past year, ever occurred.

Matt's Chat

More John Kerry exaggerations of the truth. Kerry lied to the American people when he said this at the second debate:
I went to meet with the members of the Security Council in the week before we voted. I went to New York. I talked to all of them, to find out how serious they were about really holding Saddam Hussein accountable."
As usual, Kerry has fabricated a story that props himself up as some sort of statesman when all he really is is a flim-flam artist. America will not trust a man who acts as if he were Walter Mitty.

John Kerry Delenda Est!