Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Gorby: New World Order Needed

By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has expressed concern that the progress he and President Ronald Reagan made to eliminate the threat of a nuclear confrontation between the world's two superpowers is being eroded by development of nuclear weapons in other nations.

Gorby was quoted as saying that...
...[T]he new world order he is advancing should adhere to international law, rely heavily on the United Nations and not seek to impose the views of one country or a group of countries on others. He said the new order should be more stable, more just and more humane. It will not deny the cultural and ethnic diversity in the world, and it will not ignore environmental challenges.

"World order does not mean world government," he said, nor "can you build a new world order on the basis of preemptive strikes."

Also, he said, "leaders of the industrial world should not reject the protests of those who are objecting to globalization" in meeting sites of groups such as the World Bank or summits of economic leaders from major countries. Any attempt at building the new world order will not succeed "if we ignore poverty in the world," Gorbachev said.
If any of this sounds familiar to you, it is probably because it sounds like Democratic nominee John Kerry on the stump.

Commies for Kerry. Heh. Indeed.

Mark's Remarks

OK, first of all--Gorby was dragged kicking and screaming into capitulation by Reagan, don't let anyone tell you differently. The Soviet Union was crippled by Ronald Reagan GOING AGAINST the World Order of the time and taking a stand.

It is amazing that the guy who lost the Cold War, who gave aid to North Korea, China, is lecturing us on how best to wage this war.

Mr. Gorbachev, it was a resolute American who whipped your nation, and it will be a resolute American who ALSO likes cowboy hats who should and will continue to lead the War on Terror.

John Kerry Delenda Est!