The counterpoint to one of Bill's points, specifically the usage of nuclear weapons on Mecca, is covered by Dr. Rusty Shackleford of The Jawa Report (formerly My Pet Jawa).
While Bill's take is generally accepted as the best path, Rusty's ideas are something to consider. And as I'm sure Rusty would say, these are just ideas and that he doesn't actually advocate nuking Mecca. But we should at least think about it.
After all, isn't that what deterance is all about?
4:00PM Update
I just realized that I didn't really put my two cents worth in on the discussion. Basically, I agree with Captain Ramsey of the Crimson Tide fame when he sorta said, "Drop that effer, twice."10/8 Update
It just occured to me that I didn't establish a reason for agreeing with Cap'n Ramsey...that has to do with a Captain Han Solo quote, "I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around."Look, I agree it is noble to take the high road, but that is a very costly choice in the long run. These Islamofascists understand one thing: the application of raw power. Giving them sanctuaries and safe houses is illogical and contradictory to the requirements of victory.
Now I appreciate those who just want to give peace a chance, man. But what about the other side? They don't seem to interested when they continue blowing up school children and the like... Something must be done. And that something must be swift and decisive. Anything less merely emboldens them to further acts of terrorism.
Make of that what you will...