Tuesday, October 05, 2004

More WMD Found in Iraq

From WorldNetDaily
Another chemical weapon has been discovered in Iraq – a 122-mm Borak rocket warhead containing sarin traces, according to an exclusive report in Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium, online intelligence newsletter published by WorldNetDaily.com.

The warhead was found earlier this month, and U.S. military commanders believe there are more to be found.

In fact, according to G2B's military sources, chemical attacks are expected in Baghdad.

In May, at least two other projectiles were found with traces of chemical weapons – mustard gas and sarin.

On May 2, the U.S. Explosive Ordnance Disposal team found an improvised explosive device in the Baghdad area. It was later found to be a 155-mm round with a cracked nose in the fuze-well area. The technical escort unit performed testing using a mass spectrometer and found traces of sulfur mustard.

The Army concluded the projectile was most likely an old Iraqi round from the Iran-Iraq war era and not one improvised by anti-U.S. terrorists.

In addition, in a totally separate incident on May 15, the same disposal team found another 155-mm projectile in the Baghdad area that tested positive for the nerve agent sarin. In this case, the round was set up as an IED, but it is not clear the terrorists were aware of the nerve agent inside the projectile.

Again the origin of the round is unknown, but it, too, is believed to be from the Iran-Iraq war era.

Matt's Chat

And yet, John Kerry with his allies in the "mainstream" media and the Michael Moore Democrats continue to lie to the American people about this issue.

Mark's Remarks

Lie after lie after lie after lie...Big Ketchup! I demand an investigation!

Seriously, if there are no WMD, then why do we keep finding them? If there were no WMD, why did Saddam not relent? If there were no WMD, then why were there truck upon truck heading to Syria? Anyone?

John Kerry Delenda Est!