Monday, October 25, 2004

National Priests' Organization Responds to Kerry's Speech on Faith

"The Christian faith has been misrepresented again today by John Kerry," said Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, in response to a speech that Kerry gave in Fort Lauderdale. "Kerry said, on the one hand, that he disagrees with the Church on abortion, and yet that society must protect its most vulnerable members.

"That's exactly why the Church is against abortion and requires Kerry -- and every public official -- to extend protection to the most vulnerable, the children in the womb. Mr. Kerry obviously does not understand the Church he claims to belong to. The Church's position on abortion is not based on religious doctrine; it is based on the very duty to society that Mr. Kerry claims to fulfill.

"Mr. Kerry says he will not impose matters of belief by law. We do not want him to. We simply want him to protect human life, including the unborn, despite the beliefs of those who devalue them -- just as the law protects any one of us despite the beliefs of those who might devalue us."

Priests for Life has had over 1000 priests sign a pledge to preach on abortion as the central issue in the Election this year.
No further commentary needed.

John Kerry Delenda Est!