Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Urgent Warning About Explosives in Iraq

...was sent to the UN/IAEA in 1995 by...

Wait for it...

Charles Duelfer.

Get the details here but here is the meat of it:
Nine years ago, U.N. weapons inspectors urgently called on the International Atomic Energy Agency to demolish powerful plastic explosives in a facility that Iraq's interim government said this month was looted due to poor security.

The chief American weapons inspector, Charles Duelfer, told The New York Sun yesterday that in 1995, when he was a member of the U.N. inspections team in Iraq, he urged the United Nations' atomic watchdog to remove tons of explosives that have since been declared missing.

Mr. Duelfer said he was rebuffed at the time by the Vienna-based agency because its officials were not convinced the presence of the HMX, RDX, and PETN explosives was directly related to Saddam Hussein's programs to amass weapons of mass destruction.
But here is a bit that I find personally amusing...
Until this week, the Kerry campaign had used the assessments of the weapons inspectors to bludgeon the Bush administration for failing to substantiate the assertions it presented in March 2003 to justify the war. But yesterday the Kerry campaign launched an advertisement touting the failure to account for the explosives at Al Qaqaa as evidence of the president's incompetence.
Think about that for a minute... That's right, career opportunism again...

Mark's Remarks

Yes, the Kerry campaign has been reading Joe Goebbels's handbook again. They are spreading big lies, and they have the help of a media to further them. This reeks of fascism, and it is being perpetuated by the Left, who claims to love liberty.

Back to the story. You mean to tell me that a UN related organization like the IAEA is inept? You mean to tell me that the IAEA allowed Saddam to get his way, to let weapons fester, for almost 10 YEARS?!??!?!? Surely not, I mean, this is the same organization that John Kerry said on CNN in 1994 he wanted US soldiers to die under the UN banner rather than the US banner. Disgraceful and shameful, the culpability, ineptitude, and corruption in the UN and the IAEA in allowing a madman to continue to get his way and pander to him. Shameful, and reminiscent of the Petains, the Chamberlains, and the Belgians in the 1930s.

John Kerry Delenda Est!