Thursday, November 04, 2004

Advice for Post Partisan Depression

Advice for Post Partisan Depression

(1) Take Time. Avoid quick judgment or making sudden decisions. The body needs time to rest. Stay away from strident friends or listening to harsh media programs. Protect your psyche and do something fun.

(2) Grieve. Any loss involves grief and acknowledging your frustration and anger. Accept your feelings and understand that it is normal to feel depressed when your vision is lost.

(3) Dream again. If your candidate lost, you may have lost part of your dream. Begin again. Renew your dream by thinking about what you want for your family, your community and your children.

(4) Converse. It is important to share your dream with others and invite them to do the same: share and listen to those with whom you agree and disagree. This will be the most challenging part, but it is an imperative part of the process.

(5) Hope: Understand that breakdowns precede breakthroughs. Disappointment leads to new possibilities and we find hope in the face of defeat.

Healing your individual post-partisan depression will contribute to the collective healing of our American family. Let us use this time to grieve, reach out to one another, listen, converse and dream again.
Just our bit to heal the "bitterly divided" nation.

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