Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Another Liberal Pundit Wasted Money....

By Mark for the TIB Network:

Bob Beckel, on FoxNews, looked like he had some of Kerry's cache of Botox and had some work done, ala Susan Estrich. No wonder he is so angry....Tens of thousands of dollars for what proved to be a loss....However, Beckel continued to not get it, so to speak, as he said, and I quote:

Now that we have taken care of slavery, I am all for the South splitting off and creating their own nation, their own Confederacy....

And that is why you lost, Mr. Beckel.....

Of course, as usual, libs send mixed messages, as he said just minutes before that gem: "except for deep resentment, AND I DON'T GET THE DEPTH OF THE RESENTMENT, I don't see another Florida." Gee, hoping the nation splits in two must not be resentment, eh BS Bob?

I can just hear the heads rolling at (the morons who can't), ACT, and the other 527s. Between the 527s and the DNC, they outspent the Republicans 3 to 1.

Of course, Kerry's Krew is just clamoring for delays ala Gore in 2000. I hope with this going on people finally realize that the real obstructionists to the Republic are dimocan'ts.

John Kerry Delenda Est!