Friday, November 05, 2004

The Dipmomads

Glenn Reynolds pointed us towards this great blog by Republicans in the State Department. The Diplomads from the Far Abroad have a great piece about why President Bush doesn't have to abandon the agenda he won with...
Ladies and gentlement of the BBC, CNN, CBS, etc., listen up: The Republicans WON this election, that means more people picked the Republican choice than picked the Democratic choice. That means they liked the Republican option; they want the Republicans to govern. If they had wanted the Democrats to govern they would have picked the Democrats.

George Bush is a Republican; he should be loyal to the people who elected him and carry out the programs and policies he promised in order to get their support. He does not have to carry out the Kerry agenda. If the people had wanted that agenda, they would have picked it.

Why is this so hard to understand?
This is a great blog...and a fine addition to our blogroll.

Had Kerry won, there would be no talk of bi-partisanship. No choruses of Kumbaya... Those who tell you differently are not living in what we like to call reality.

Islamofascism Delenda Est!