Thursday, November 04, 2004

Leadership Vacuum for Democrats

From Yahoo News (AFP):
Democrats found themselves struggling to fill a leadership void, after the defeat of their candidate for the US presidency and the ouster of the most powerful Democrat in the US Congress.
Congress's most closely-watched election saw Daschle of a senator from South Dakota swept from power after a strong challenge from Republican Jim Thune, creating disarray and disappointment among congressional Democrats already smarting from Tuesday's stinging series of defeats.

Daschle becomes the first Senate party leader to lose his seat in more than half a century.

Matt's Chat

It will be interesting to see who the Democrats put up in Daschle's place. If they heed John Kerry's advice, they won't put up a radical, uber-liberal, obstructionist. It is time for healing, but I don't think the Democrats are ready to face themselves just yet. I suspect we're in for more of the same from our friends on the Left.

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