Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Rumor Mill Central

Current Electoral College Count

3:30AM + BUSH: 274; KERRY: 242

7 O'Clock Hour

7:15PM: FOX NEWS and CNN CALLS Indiana (11 EV), Kentucky (8 EV), and Georgia (15 EV) for BUSH; Vermont for KERRY (3 EV) + 7:20PM: ABCNews: Popular Vote Results: Bush-403,239; Kerry-309,282; Nader-2,941 + 7:35PM CNN calls West Virginia (5 EV) for BUSH + 7:38PM FOX News confirms WV. + 7:40PM Hugh Hewitt says OH Issue 1 has passed and that Voinovich has won re-election. &:47PM NRO's KerrySpot says ABC News also says that Issue 1 has passed.

8 O'Clock Hour

CNN calls IL (21EV), MA (12EV), CT (7 EV), NJ (15 EV), DE (3EV), MD (10 EV) and DC (3EV) for Kerry. ABC Concurs. + CNN: AL (9EV), OK (7EV), TN (11EV) for Bush. ABC & CSPAN concur. Still no word on South Carolina. + 8:27PM: Hugh says MSNBC has called NC (15 EV) for Bush. + 8:33PM: Confirmed by ABC and NBC: NC for BUSH + 8:40PM: CNN and ABC have VA (13 EV) going to BUSH + 8:42PM: ABC has SC (EV) going to BUSH - confirmed w/ FOX and NBC.

9 O'Clock Hour

9:00PM - They should call NY and NH soon...when that happens, Kerry will jump ahead a bit in the EV count...don't panic...that's expected... + 9:07PM CNN & ABC have called TX (34EV), KS (6EV), NE (5EV), SD (3EV), ND (3EV), and WY (3EV) for BUSH while NY (31 EV) goes to Kerry + 9:14 - RI (4 EV) goes to Kerry + 9:21PM - ABC is showing Ohio as a 53/47 Bush race at the moment. + 9:38PM Checking on some local issues: OH Issue 1 looks like it is going to pass. Showing a 63% to 36% win on that. Looks like it is 53/46 Bush at the moment. + 9:45PM - FOX & ABC calls MS (6EV) and LA (9EV) for BUSH.

10 O'Clock Hour

10:15PM UT (5EV) and MT (3EV) goes to BUSH according to CSPAN. CNN, NBC, and ABC confirm UT and adds AR (6 EV). + 10:19PMCNN and ABC give MO (11 EV) to BUSH. + 10:40PM - Local Race: with 35% in, it looks like Turner is leading Jane 55% to 45%. WAY too close for my taste. Mike started his campaign a bit late, but had plenty of money to some damage. + 10:48PM: Things are looking good for Bush in Florida...with nearly 80% in its 51%/47% BUSH...still no offical call yet though.

11 O'Clock Hour

11:00: PA (21 EV) goes to KERRY. + 11:05 - CNN and ABC award CA (55 EV) to KERRY. + 11:08PM - Fox, ABC, and CNN call IDAHO (4 EV) for BUSH. + 11:18PM - CSPAN, CNN and ABC call AZ (10 EV) for BUSH. + 11:21PM - FOX is alone in calling WA (11 EV) for KERRY. + 11:45PM - ABC calls FL (27 EV) for Bush.

12 O'Clock Hour

SeeBS has called CO (9 EV) for BUSH. + 12:35AM - ABC, FOX and CSPAN have called OR (7 EV) for KERRY.

1 O'Clock Hour

1:00AM - Fox is all alone in calling OH (20 EV) for BUSH. + 1:05AM - MN (10EV) has been called for KERRY by Yahoo (AP) and CSPAN. + 1:15AM - NBC has called OH for BUSH. + 1:18AM - Fox, CSPAN, Yahoo (AP), SeeBS, NBC, and ABC have called ALASKA (3 EV) for BUSH. If OH holds, Bush can not lose it. + 1:48AM - MN (10 EV) has been called for KERRY by CSPAN and Yahoo (AP). + 1:55AM - NH (4 EV) has been called for KERRY by Fox, CSPAN, and Yahoo (AP).

2 O'Clock Hour

HI (4EV) and MI (17 EV) have been called for KERRY by multiple sources.

3 O'Clock Hour

3:30AM - NV (5EV) has been called for BUSH by CSPAN and Yahoo (AP).

5 O'Clock Hour

ABC has also declared NV for BUSH, so since no one else will declare BUSH the winner, I will. I expect WI to go to Kerry; and NM and IA to go to Bush. These wins don't matter. Ohio is solidly Bush, no amount of Kerry/Edwards whining is going to change the reality that they lost here.

Hey, look kids...if the three remaining states finish as they are currently trending, my prediction (and Mahatma's, and Steve the Llama Butcher's) will be EXACTLY right.

John Kerry Delenda Est!