Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Who Is the Candidate that Will Keep America Safe?

From the WMD Mail Bag...

More terrorist attacks against Americans occurred on Clinton's watch, both inside and outside of U.S. borders, than during any other presidential administration in U.S. history:

The 1993 World Trade Center bombing that killed 6 and injured 1,000
The 1993 Mogadishu firefight that killed 18 U.S. soldiers
The 1995 Oklahoma City terrorist attack on the federal building by American extremists that killed 168, wounding several hundred others
The 1995 Saudi Arabia car bomb that killed 5 U.S. military personnel
The 1996 Khobal Towers bombing that killed 19 U.S. soldiers, wounding 515
The 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa that killed 231 citizens, 12 Americans and injured 5,000
The 2000 USS Cole attack in Yemen that killed 17 U.S. sailors, wounding 39

With each terrorist attack, Clinton went before the American people and promised that "those responsible would be hunted down and punished." Subsequently, we know that the Clinton team did not hunt them down because they killed over 3,000 people on 9/11/01. Instead of being hunted down, with each terrorist attack during the Clinton years, the terrorists gained more confidence and boldness until it led to the 9/11 attacks.

Since then, the Bush Administration has taken a strong stance against global terrorism and has systematically thwarted over 100 known Al-Qaeda-plotted attacks from reaching American soil. Since 9/11, there has not been one terrorist attack against Americans.

Now, bin Laden, who is probably hiding in some hole like Saddam Hussein was found in, releases a tape threatening with terror any U.S. state that votes in favor of Bush. Only problem is if Bush wins, bin Laden won't have a chance to follow through on these threats. The Bush team has already destroyed bin Laden's infrastructure, making him incapable of harming a 1st grader.

In dealing with terrorist attacks, Bill Clinton's Department of Justice had "a wall of separation" between the intelligence division and the criminal division. John Kerry has stated that, if elected President, he will return to treating terrorist attacks as ACTS OF CRIMES.

America is safer under the George W. Bush administration because under him we treat terrorism as an ACT OF WAR. The U.S. has more options in terms of interrogation, detaining, aggression, pre-emption, etc.

Under Clinton, we treated terrorist ACTS OF CRIMES. When someone is a criminal, the government cannot prosecute them until after the crime is completed. We cannot take preventative measures.

Bush has prevented any subsequent terrorist attacks against Americans after 9/11 because he declared those attacks as ACTS OF WAR and went on the offensive. He took the battle to them and attacked the terrorists at their heart.

Again, Kerry has stated that if elected President, he will return to treating terrorist attacks as ACTS OF CRIMES.

In reality, before the Sept. 11 attacks, Clinton gave 19 barbaric hijackers over two years to plan these atrocities, when they illegally slipped into the U.S. under Clinton and Gore's much-relaxed airport security and immigration policies.

Indeed, Clinton left the door wide open to global terrorism.

God forbid we should ever have another Bill Clinton who easily cowers to global terrorists, at the expense of the safety and security of Americans.

America is safer under the George W. Bush administration because under him we treat terrorism as an ACT OF WAR. The U.S. has more options in terms of interrogation, detaining, aggression, pre-emption, etc. If the war in Iraq has been done wrong, then why does over 70% of the U.S. troops support Bush? It's their lives that are
on the line.

If John Kerry was president over the last four years, Saddam Hussein would be in power, his torture chambers would be in operation, and mass graves would be filling. 25 million people in Afghanistan would not have been liberated, Afghan women would still be oppressed, and terrorist cells would still be harbored there.

In the end, Clinton had the opportunity to stave off the bloodshed of Sept. 11 but didn't, and this will always and forever be his ultimate legacy. Let's not repeat that with Kerry.

Also see: www.KerryLied.com


George W. Bush did no let us down in stopping terrorist attacks against Americans. Now we must not let him down.


John Kerry Delenda Est!