Thursday, December 23, 2004

Global Warming Update: Mark's Quest for Fire

By Mark for the TIB Network:

Leaving Echo Base on the planet Hoth, I have reconnoitered to TIB Central Command. Echo Base for besieged by the Ice Storm of 2004. Power was rendered useless, leaving only basic heating and telephone lines. Branches and limbs from trees broke powerlines, but the new Garbett Shuttlecraft/fighter arrived untouched at Central Command despite some serious opposition from the forces of the Idiot Empire (aka, morons who can't drive on the roads).

Yes, I had to seek fire, because a house with no power just sucks. Therefore, I have arrived at TIB Central Command waiting for (gasp!) "the day after today." Stay tuned, Goreiacs, this might be the big, cold, one!

I don't think so, but it is friggin cold....and slippery, and a huge pain in the forthcoming, at some later date....

12/25 Update

Our good friend Rob Bernard has some pics from his place north of us. Sure looks like he's having all kinds of trouble with Global Warming up there...

Islamofascism Delenda Est!