Thursday, December 16, 2004

More Liberal "Humor"

via Right Wing News.
"Pat Rothfuss, a University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point faculty member, has been writing his sarcastic, satirical column in UWSP's student newspaper for years.

He started "Your College Survival Guide" while still a UWSP student, continued writing while away at graduate school and has kept up the column since becoming an associate lecturer of English.

The column, which Rothfuss pens under his own name and describes as "about 80 percent stupid humor," is an outlet for an almost fictionalized, crazed version of himself as the perpetual student, he said. Irreverent advice from past columns, which are published in The Pointer, UWSP's student newspaper, has included everything from corporate America to voodoo and prostitution.

But a group of students from the UWSP College Republicans organization wasn't laughing Nov. 4 when a post-election Rothfuss column included phrases like "punching smug-looking Republicans in the mouth" and "key every car you see with a Bush bumper sticker." The column's premise was that Rothfuss was drunk while writing to himself, and it suggested, "why don't you go on a killing spree? I pet you can take out fixteen for sisteen republicans beofre they gun you down. Duke, youd' be like a heroe."
Disgusting. There is no way a conservative would get away with anything remotely like this, as a student let alone as a professor. Is there any outrage being expressed by liberals? What is the ACLU position on this? Is this okay with Democrats?

Mark's Remarks

I have encountered this "humor" as well. Since the elections, I have been getting flipped off, so to speak, on the highways of my state. Why? Did I cut someone off? Did I almost cause a wreck? Nope. I simply have two window clings in my rear windows which say Bush/Cheney 04. My response? I take the "high ground." I smile, wave, then put the 'L' on my forehead and point back at them. A childish response to someone acting like a child, I know, but that is sometimes all they understand...

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