Thursday, December 02, 2004

Napoleon and the Llamas

I heartily concur with our Llama colleagues:
Say it with me, people: FRANCE IS NOT OUR ALLY!
They have quite the tribute to the Emperor of France.

Mark's Remarks

The last time the French did anything really worthwhile for the US, I believe, was when Nap sold us the Louisiana Purchase....Of course, I think they are jealous because we got our revolution right, and they devolved into a Reign of Terror....and then there is that whole history of surrendering and being overrun....

As for the Canada thing, I love most Canadians....The ones who act like the French with arrogance and false senses of superiority are the ones who make me retch...As a hockey fan, I respect Canadians, even some French Canadians...however, the clowns who booed the anthem at the Canadiens game and others should be caned...that's all I'm saying....

Islamofascism Delenda Est!