Thursday, December 02, 2004

UN to Require Approval of Pre-Emptive Wars

From the Times of India:
A blue ribbon international panel, appointed in the backdrop of sharp differences between member states on the legality of US-led attack on Iraq, has recommended "preventive" and "pre-emptive" wars must have approval of the Security Council, something which had eluded the American coalition.

But, a senior official with the panel told reporters on Tuesday, the panel did not go into the legality of the US-led coalition's military action in Iraq.

"It is a forward looking report," he said.
It's so forward looking that they aren't addressing the Oil for Food bribes that France, Russia and Germany got, not to mention Kofi's son, for their work on Saddam's behalf. How can the UN be trusted to do the right thing? My answer: they can't. Your mileage may vary...

The UN is rotten to the core with corruption. If the media cared to do a real story, they'd expose the UN for the sham that it is...

Mark's Remarks

Anyone thinking what I am thinking here? "Global Test?" Permission slip?

I don't think so...What is the point of pre-emption if you have to tell a useless and immobile body of corruption like the UN before you do it? Doesn't that denigrate the point of like, the element of surprise, or something?

The UN and this latest attempt to circumvent our national sovereignty can go straight to something that has to do with an h and hockey sticks, as the kids say...
nuff said.

Islamofascism Delenda Est!