Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Annan: Does World Have Will to Stop Genocide

From Yahoo News:
If the world had listened to the horrors of the Nazi death camps, perhaps genocide in Cambodia, Bosnia and Rwanda could have been avoided, speakers told the first-ever U.N. General Assembly session on the Holocaust of World War II.
Annan told the assembly that at this moment, "terrible things are happening today in Darfur, Sudan." He asked the U.N. Security Council to take action once it receives a new report determining whether genocide had occurred in Darfur and identifying gross human rights abuses.
Will this be the seventeenth report in ten years? The UN doesn't have the will to stop genocide. All they care about is their reports and press conferences.

Mark's Remarks

Let's look at cold hard facts. What did the UN do to stop the genocide in Rwanda? What have they done to stop the continued ethnic purging in Kosovo? What have they done in Sierra Leone? In the Sudan? What have they done effectively to deal with AIDS in Africa? Anyone? Nothing. They let tens of thousands be slaughtered and ordered UN troops (many of them Americans) to do nothing but observe. The UN has a disgraceful history of attempting to stop genocide or to bring stability to regions (Somalia, anyone?).

And, the world will not have the will to stop genocide as long as they allow dictators to sit on human rights councils. They will not have the will as long as the world organization is ripe with corruption and payoffs.

How can the world have the will when they are told taking action is wrong? How can the world in a body have the will when they don't stand by their own directives?

The UN is a failed body, and does nothing but get PR points with the Mainstream Media for issuing reports on genocide and asking people for more money to go into dictators' pockets.

Islamofascism Delenda Est!