Monday, January 31, 2005

Thank God America Got It Right

From Yahoo News:
Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, who lost the November presidential election against Republican President George W. Bush, described the Iraqi elections as "significant" and "important" but said they should not be "overhyped."

"It is significant that there is a vote in Iraq," Kerry said in an interview with NBC television's Meet the Press. "But ... no one in the United States should try to overhype this election.

"This election is a sort of demarcation point, and what really counts now is the effort to have a legitimate political reconciliation," Kerry said. "And it's going to take a massive diplomatic effort and a much more significant outreach to the international community than this administration has been willing to engage in.

"Absent that, we will not be successful in Iraq," he said.

Kerry also said he did not support fellow Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy's call last week for the immediate pullout of at least 12,000 US troops from Iraq following the elections.
This guy STILL doesn't get it...

Mark's Remarks

Kerry also said he won the election on every count, except for 50,000 votes in Ohio that could have turned.....Come on now, Senator....3 MILLION VOTES separated you from the President. You lost the popular vote, the electoral vote. Yet you still cling to some hope for running in 08. You first set the standard of getting elections done as a test, now that is not good enough. I still am waiting to hear what in the blue hell you and the rest of the Lib Chorus would have done differently in Iraq, would have done differently against terrorism. (cricket, cricket, cricket)

So that is the level of the master secret plan, eh? Mr. Kerry, you are as much a Kook as your mentor, Teddy "Yes I am gonna Use Chappaquiddick again" Kennedy.

John Kerry LOST. He doesn't think he lost, but he did. First he said terrorism was going to be the issue and Iraq. Now he says 9/11 is the reason he lost, along with the Osama tape.

Well gee, Johnny boy, you mean you didn't want the support of another foreign leader? I mean, this guy was really into your propaganda, reciting yours and Michael Moore's talking points. I figured you would offer to bring him to the US to help campaign, he knew your schtick so well.

Thank God the American people saw you as the appeasement, pro-terror candidate, Mr. Kerry.

Islamofascism Delenda Est!