By Matt for the TIB Network:
Was just surfing over at BlogExplosion for a few minutes and I came across this post by Denman of "Making A Point":Those who do not learn history.....What exactly does a police state look like? I don't think the use of drug sniffing dogs with or without probable cause is going to cause the fall of mankind. Of course, your mileage may vary...
A number of things that the "conservatives" are forgetting:
1) Freedom cannot exist in a police state.
Much trumpeting is happening over the fact that the supreme court just voted to allow the further expansion of police powers. The cops can now use drug sniffing dogs with NO probable cause.
2) The power is to reside in the peoples right to choose their government.That's because President Bush won in Florida. Even after multiple recounts, some liberals still can't face that reality. Bush won in 2000. EVERY. RECOUNT. SAID. SO.
Then why the gnashing of teeth over the election in Washington state from the same party that begged the supreme court to annoit George the first time? Do they think we've forgotten.
Furthermore the margine of victory for President Bush was much wider than the vote in Washington state. Democrats are still clamoring for a recount in Ohio where, yet again, the gap between Bush and Kerry voters was pretty significant. The gap can be measured in the tens of thousands rather than the hunderd or so in Washington state.
Funny how some liberals seem to be interested in making sure every legal vote counts when it might turn out to their advanantage.
3) Tripart government with a weak presidential office a strong legislature and a strong system of checks and balances extablished, to incluse a strong judicial branch.Ah, the compassion from the Party of Love, Peace, and Harmony shines... For the record, it wasn't an annointing that the Supreme Court engaged in in 2000, it was checks and balances ensuring that the candidate that actually won the election got the office.
They have the supreme court annoit their candidate, and then have the gall to say that law should not be changed by judges? BLACK republicans say this. The people who would still have poll taxes and jim crow laws are saying this. [F-BOMB-ing] hypocrites.
4) The inheritance tax.WHAT? Show me some proof of that?
The founding fathers favored a system of laws that redistributed wealth among the citizens. They specifically wanted to keep from concentrating the largest portion of the wealth at the top of the food chain so as to make it more difficult for money to run the country.
5) The "right" to keep and bear arms.More of the same from the Party of Love, Peace and Harmony. This is why y'all are losing elections, by the way...
This is the one they claim is in the preamble, although to my reading it pertains to a well regulated militia, something the current spam sucking gun toting trailer trash do not resemble. And they defend this one at all costs, unless you're in 10 miles of the president, or boarding a plane, or black and in a white neighborhood....... you get the picture.
6) In the case of an unjust government it is the peoples duty to rise up in revolution.WHAT? The consitution calls for peaceful assembly. When people do so, there are no problems. When they riot, that's when bad things happen. I'd illustrate this with some "peaceful" assemblies we've seen lately, but I don't have that kind of time.
They won't even allow protest in their exhaulted presence.
7) States rights are of utmost importance and their autonomy is to be paramount.Assisted suicide? WHAT? A Google search comes up with nothing...
Unless it's a law George doesn't like. Such as assisted suicide, or stem cell research, or gay marriage, or reproductive rights..... you get the picture.
Stem cell research? Repeat after me: THERE IS NO BAN ON STEM CELL RESEARCH. The action that the President took was to eliminate federal funding for the research. Private funding is still a possibility.
Gay marriage? The Defense of Marriage Act was signed in to law by who? That's right, President Bill Clinton.
Reproductive rights? I'm pretty sure the President supports folks having babies...
Those are some off the top of my head. There are others, like not lying thru your teeth to the american people, not invading soverign nations, not stealing elections. Pesky offences, but they do bother me.The President, nor his staff willingly or otherwise lied to the American people. The intelligence was WRONG. It is being fixed...get over it. Lying is what President Clinton did, under oath I'll add. Was it a big enough deal for impeachment, not in my opinion, but you need to get over it.
Not invading soverign nations? As if that stopped Saddam from invading Kuwait... I wrote about the justifications for the Iraq War here, I'm not wasting any more time refuting this nonsense.
Not stealing elections? BUSH WON EVERY RECOUNT. Face it, Al Gore LOST. John Kerry LOST. Democrats lost seats in the House of Representatives. Democrats lost seats in the Senate. Stealing elections appears to be something that Democrats are trying to do in Washington state... But they also tried to do so in Wisconsin...and I'm not talking about a governor's race...
This stuff is why you lose.