Friday, January 14, 2005

"Whitewashing the Eye"

By Matt for the TIB Network:

This week's column for the MVCA is up. You can get it here.

Mark's Remarks

Excellent article, I must say, Matt.

I would just like to chime in on this whole thing. We have seem one of the biggest cover-ups in history, and if not for the blogosphere, no one would know it. The so-called "complete investigation" was classic coverup. While they admitted wrongdoing and showed the world the evidence, they came to incorrect conclusions to cover their arses. They even cut off a few sacrificial lambs, though I, for one, am glad to see the sad and pathetic Mary Mapes gone.

Dan Rather should have done his last broadcast months ago. Jessica Savitch was castigated for a drinking problem. She never intentionally forced a story through without vetting it. She never was accused of letting one's own personal animus toward a family (we know Rather hates the Bushes) destroy people's careers.

Dan Rather did all these things. For so 'respected' a journalist, he chose to use information that was highly faulty. He admitted his own bias with his "fake but accurate" nonsense. Say what?

Les Moonves, Rather, and Andrew Hayward are a joke. It is no woner CBSNews is dropping like like the value of Jason Giambi. People are catching on. They are seeing the bias. And thank goodness the blogosphere is here to check the lefty propaganda machine that is the Mainstream Press. And Bill O'Reilly, shame on you for defending these clowns!

Islamofascism Delenda Est!