The Bush administration is close to a decision to join Europe in offering incentives to Iran -- possibly including eventual membership in the World Trade Organization -- in exchange for Tehran's formal agreement to surrender any plans to develop a nuclear weapon, according to senior U.S. officials.Iran doesn't deserve rewards for violating their previous agreements. This sort of appeasement thinking is what brought us such great non-proliferation successes like North Korea. I am appalled that the Bush administration is considering taking part in this folly. There will be a day when we'll be cursing Chirac, Schroeder, Blair and Bush for this nonsense if Iran reneges, which they will because North Korea has gotten away with it.
The day after returning from Europe, President Bush met Friday afternoon with the principal members of his foreign policy team to discuss requests made by German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and French President Jacques Chirac in particular. More discussions are expected this week, but the White House wants to move quickly to finalize a list of incentives to offer Tehran as part of European talks with Iran, officials said.
The new willingness to engage, even if indirectly, marks a significant change from a position that Iran deserved no rewards for actions it is legally bound to take under terms of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. But Bush's talks last week convinced him that a united front -- in offering carrots now and a stick later if Iran does not comply -- would be more effective, U.S. and European officials say.
I hope that this "warming up" to the idea is nothing more than placating Europe while plans continue on the home front to deal with Iran more strongly should the diplomatic route falter. Do I think that's what is actually happening? Not likely... Bush seems to be wanting to settle the conflicts with Europe, this may be the cost. My question is whether or not the cost is too high. I think it is...