By Matt for the TIB Network:
You may have heard that the President plans on raising taxes in order to pay for Social Security. You heard wrong. In order for it to be a plan, there has to be a plan. There isn't one. Just because a position has been advocated and not ruled out, doesn't mean the President has embraced it.The current meme being thrown about deals with the idea of raising the cap, currently at $90,000, at which Social Security taxes are levied. Essentially, that's a tax on the rich...which liberals should love...which is why I can't understand why they're trying to torpedo the President for not ruling it out. And that is what this is...a concerted effort to tarnish the President from the right. I see right through these people...and so should you.
Mark's Remarks
The President not ruling this out shows his openness and his leadership. He is actually willing to compromise to get reform done. If one were to look at his actual history in Washington and as governor of Texas, one would see that he has reached across the aisle his whole career. His mentioning of the increase in payroll tax limitations for the wealthy shows he is thinking beyond just a "narrow agenda." Granted, he may not care for the idea, but he is considering at as part of a compromise. This President is willing to work to get solid and meaningful reform done, and that scares the hell out of the Left. Why? Because if someone looks like they are seeking to reform and actually work outside partisan politics, it shows they are bigger than the ideologues on the Left. And, the media and the Left are showing their unwillingness to work to achieve what is good for America by this blatantly shallow effort at inciting Bush's conservative base.
10:05AM Update
MATT: Mark is wrong about one important detail: the President is not interested in raising the payroll tax at all. What this proposal is is the lifting of the cap upon which Social Security taxes are levied. Othwerwise, right on usual...Correction to Correction
MARK: I knew what the President meant to do, raise the cap. Sorry if Matt or the audience misunderstood.... :)