Monday, February 28, 2005

The Greatest Hoax Ever Pulled Over On Mankind: Global Warming

By Matt for the TIB Network:

My rationale for writing this now is that a couple of our regular liberal readers continue to not understand my position.

Why is Global Warming the Greatest Hoax?

When you look at the actual data that has been collected, we are looking at a trend that is measured in under one degree Centigrade of actual temperature. We started collecting this data in 1978. The peak occurred in 1998, where the temperature was .9 of a degree Centigrade above the mean on the surface. That same year, two months after the surface peak, the lower troposphere peak occurred at .7 of a degree Centigrade above the mean. Don't take my word for it, go read the analysis here; all the appropriate links are gathered in one place.

We are spending BILLIONS of dollars worldwide to combat a problem that isn't significant. Which brings us to the Kyoto Treaty.

Why the Kyoto Treaty Isn't Worth the Paper It is Printed On

[T]he now widely acknowledged "saving" (amount of warming avoided) potential for complete implementation of Kyoto is ~0.07 °C by the year 2050. Since skeptics (e.g. Pat Michaels) and advocates (Kevin Trenberth, for example) alike have signed off on the figure we see no need to dispute it. Further, even though the US and Australia have sense enough to stay clear of energy rationing schemes like this we are prepared to cut The Protocol a great deal of slack and pretend that figure is achievable by the EU and fellow travelers. Thus our potentially "saved" temperature figure is simply 0.07 °C/45 (the amount per year assuming a linear progression) further divided down to an accumulation per second. Granted, this is not likely a very accurate nor realistic representation but hey, we don't even know the absolute mean surface temperature of the planet within ±0.7 °C anyway.
So, with 45 years of punishing ourselves economically, even with FULL implementation of Kyoto, we would be able to bring down the temperature about 0.07 of a degree Centigrade. We've cooled off more from the peak mean than that doing NOTHING.

Cyclical Warming / Cooling

Check out these charts. The first makes it look like there is a trend of warming occurring in New York's Central Park since 1900; but as you can see from the third chart, there was a warm period before that (circa 1850). From these charts, I'm more worried about Global Cooling than Global Warming as the "highs" weren't near as high in the 1990's/2000's as they were in the 1850's.


The truth is, we don't have enough data to make any kind of determination. One thing seems clear to me though: Kyoto isn't necessarily the answer because we don't even know what the question is yet.

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