Tuesday, February 01, 2005

No Soldier Missing in Iraq (*)

* except for Ohio's own Matt Maupin (say another prayer for his safe return.)

This is CNN:
The U.S. military said Tuesday that no American soldiers have been reported missing in Iraq after a Web statement claimed that an American soldier had been taken hostage.

The authenticity of the statement and photo, purporting to show a hostage with a gun to his head, could not be verified, and questions were raised about the photo's authenticity.

In Baghdad, Staff Sgt. Nick Minecci of the U.S. military's press office in Baghdad said "no units have reported anyone missing."

The posting, on a Web site that frequently carries militants' statements, included a photo of what that statement said was an American soldier, wearing desert fatigues and seated on a concrete floor with his hands tied behind his back.

The figure in the photo appeared stiff and expressionless.
Now this next paragraph is really interesting:
Liam Cusack, of the toy manufacturer Dragon Models USA, Inc., said the image of the soldier portrayed in the photo bore a striking resemblance to a military action figure made by the company.
Did Fat Mikey's Minutementm kidnap a doll? If so, that is really pathetic...

Hat Tip

Generalissimo's got going on at Radioblogger!

Mark's Remarks

Mikey probably supplied them with the figure from his lovetoy collection...Yes, that was harsh....of course he wouldn't like anything bearing a resemblance to a serviceman....

Wow, I wonder if we can negotiate a trade of GI Joe for my lil' Sis's Aladdin and Jasmine figures? Of course, Matt reminds me, they wouldn't want Jasmine, because she is berka-free...that's a stoneable offense, isn't it? Hoo-ah!!!

Islamofascism Delenda Est!