Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Cedar Revolution Update

From Yahoo News:
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said Syrian troops might pull out of Lebanon in the next few months, as Lebanese protesters rallied in central Beirut on Tuesday demanding Syria get out of their country.

Syria, which has 14,000 troops in Lebanon, has come under increasing pressure as a result of demonstrations following the assassination last month of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri.

"It (withdrawal) should be very soon and maybe in the next few months. Not after that," Assad said an interview conducted on Monday and published by Time magazine on its Web site on Tuesday.

"I could not say we could do it in two months because I have not had the meeting with the army people. They may say it will take six months," he added.
Curse that Chimperor McShrubby HALLIBURTON! His foreign adventures are bringing nothing but ruin to the Middle East...

Dare I say it? Domino theory... And we haven't even talked about Egypt yet...

It will be interesting to see how Iran reacts to all this pro-democracy talk... Syria isn't looking quite like the ally Iran was looking for...if they can't keep Lebanon, how is Syria supposed to intimidate the United States?

Islamofascism Delenda Est!