Friday, March 25, 2005
Choice a 2 way street
I have been following the events in Florida on the side because I personally feel I am not medically qualified to make any judgments. But what has really been hitting me lately is this notion of the word "choice" by liberals. What a powerful word. I can use it for many different arguments. Terri "chose" to not live like this. Wow so do I. But did she "choose" to die like this? A woman who is pregnant should have the right to "choose" whether to "terminate" her pregnancy. But hey did anyone ask the baby, yes Virginia it is a baby, whether he/she "chooses" to die like this. A minority should have the right to "choose" anywhere they would like to work. But did anyone ask the employer whether they "choose" this applicant. Individual rights huh. Wow. But now lets plunge into other choice issues. A teacher has the right to "choose" to be incompetent, "choose" to pass students who cant read, "choose" to turn a blind eye to problems but a student and parents do not have the right to "choose" which school they would like to attend. A teenager should have the right to "choose" birth control but a teacher has no right to "choose" to teach abstinence. A person has the right to "choose" a religion but no right to display the ten commandments. The government has the right to "choose" where my taxes go, where my social security goes, and where my Medicare goes but I have no right to "choose" how my social security will be allocated. Choice is a very dangerous thing when it is used to justify an argument. Choice should be a right and a privilege, for all parties involved. If a choice is being made, and one side is accounted for without the other being heard, it becomes in my opinion a VERY weak argument for the righteousness of that action.